Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Keira Knightley 23-and-a-half-inch waist

Attention non freaky people who love to clean up after rock stars Theres a job going over at Chez Love, and rather than go through an agency (they suck apparently), Courtney has turned to the interwebs and asked if anyone reading her MySpazz blog fancies working for her as a housekeeper. Keira Knightley has a 23-and-a-half-inch waist. ARE YOU EXCITED for the new season of Heroes - YAY or NAY? More pictures inside of Hayden Panettiere at the 2008 Emmys. And, part of you wants that fight to happen. But Im over at our fab Red Carpet Blog. Now heres someone who should have made People magazines best-dressed list.

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